Featured Photographer Nicki Bosch

Meet our Featured Photographer and Judge of the Banning the Rule of Thirds theme ~ Nicki Bosch


1. When did you come to love Photography?
I came to love photography as a young child. My grandfather was a hobbyist and took amazing photos of my dad and aunts as children in Italy. I was fascinated by these black and white images of my family, and that fascination grew to include all vintage photography, especially tin types and old collodion work. I think all of my art comes from the images I studied as a child and the feelings they stirred in me.


2. What inspires you?
I know this is so cliche, but it truly is my 5 kids. And after them it’s light/shadow. Next is mood/emotions captured. When I can create an image with all of these things at once, I’m a happy lady.


3. What keeps you going when you feel like you’re in a rut?
Sometimes nothing can keep me going when I’m in a rut. And I have to just put down my camera for a bit until I feel inspired. But other times I just force myself to shoot something — anything — even if I have to re-shoot something I already shot, and try to find a new angle, mood, or perspective. If you look through my work you will see many, many images shot in my upstairs hallway. I get great light and shadows there and I can also contain my kids in that space, : ).  Most of those images were taken when I was feeling particularly “rut-y,” and may of them are now personal favorites.


4. Why do you love the flaws in art?
Because none of us are perfect. Life is not perfect. And that’s what makes it interesting.


5. Who’s your favorite photographer and what inspired you about them?
Whenever I’m asked this question the person that immediately pops into my head is Val Spring. I just adore her work. Her tones, her interesting perspective, her framing, her use of light, and the gorgeous imperfections that are her calling card.  I could look at her work all day long. It’s my dream to have her photograph my family someday.


6. What are your goals for the next year?
I’m working on a Project 52 focused on kids and their “Lovies.” Three of my kids have lovies and it is such a precious and real part of their childhood, that I wanted to explore this more with other kids –hear their stories and tell them in photographs. Hopefully I can get 52 subjects and complete the year! But I have a good head start with my three. ❤


7. What is one advice that you have received that you would like to share with other photographers?
The best advice I ever received was to trust your own eye – our own unique perspective of the world. Take the photographs that make YOU happy, process them the way YOU think they should be processed to convey the your voice, and don’t be afraid to be your own artist. Nobody else sees the world exactly the way you do. Value that.


To see more of Nicki’s work: Facebook, Precious to Me on Facebook, Website

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